Robin’s recommendations: Sustainability (Dutch/Nederlands)

Deze maand staan mijn aanbevelingen in het teken van duurzaamheid. Hoe verminderen we onze ecologische voetafdruk? Hieronder wat links die je op weg kunnen helpen naar een milieuvriendelijke manier van leven.

Pieter Pot – een online verpakkingsvrije supermarkt. Ze werken voornamelijk met potten in plaats van plastic verpakkingen, en hanteren een statiegeld systeem waardoor de potten kunnen blijven circuleren. Ook worden je boodschappen bezorgd in busjes die zo veel mogelijk op duurzame brandstof rijden, en de meest efficiënte bezorgroute bepalen waardoor de impact op het milieu zo veel mogelijk verminderd wordt. Op de website van Pieter Pot kun je meer lezen over hoe het werkt.

Ecosia – voor wie er nog niet van heeft gehoord, Ecosia is een alternatieve zoekmachine die je kunt gebruiken in plaats van Google, Bing, et cetera. Voor iedere zoekopdracht die je doet, wordt één boom geplaatst.

Zero Waste Tips (EN) – een website vol tips over hoe je jouw impact op het milieu kunt reduceren door meer te recyclen en minder afval te produceren, ook wel bekend als de zero-waste lifestyle.

Zelf composteren – op de website van Milieu Centraal vind je tips om je eigen composthoop te maken. Ook dit is in lijn met het thema ‘zero-waste’, want door te composteren verminder je de hoeveelheid afval die op de stortplaats terecht komt. Daarnaast is het natuurlijk interessant voor eenieder die geïnteresseerd is in tuinieren, je kunt immers je tuin bemesten met je zelfgemaakte compost.

Biochar (EN) – Biochar is een houtskoolachtige stof die je kunt gebruiken als je bijvoorbeeld een moestuin hebt. Het houdt namelijk koolstof vast in de bodem, waardoor het niet alleen klimaatverandering tegengaat (de koolstof breekt namelijk vanzelf af over een periode van 100 jaar), maar ook de kwaliteit van de grond verbetert doordat deze poreuzer wordt, zodat voedingsstoffen en water beter worden vastgehouden. Wil je meer weten, maar liever in het Nederlands? In dit onderzoek van Wageningen University & Research kun je meer lezen over Biochar.

Spiritual enlightenment, the end-goal(?)

When I was eighteen, I had this shift in consciousness that I like to refer to as the start of my ‘spiritual awakening’. I started to look differently at the world, at myself, at my experience on Earth.
I became much more interested in self-reflection, personal growth, meditation, finding purpose, and the higher powers of the universe (i.e. synchronicity, the law of attraction, etc.).
I felt like I was now on a path that truly reflected my own sense of truth, I felt a sense of belonging that I hadn’t felt before.
I studied up on topics that I had come across before, through my mother when I was very young, but had now come to understand at a completely different level.

As a young kid, I had always found it fun to draw the occasional tarot card with her, have her teach me some reiki, or even meditate a couple times. She introduced me to crystals, and gave me some of my own. I adopted my mom’s truth as my own, but eventually in my teenage years, grew out of these habits and kind of forgot they existed.

So when I encountered my own spiritual awakening, and re-familiarized myself with the knowledge, I also adopted the philosophy that I should only ever take on the truths that I felt resounded with my own core essence.

Now, I have talked about this before, about finding your own truth, and throughout this article, it will be one of the main points I’m trying to make, because I truly feel that it is the most important.

I believe that we all are one with the universe, with each other, the planet, the animals, the trees and all of that. However, this does not negate the fact that we are all here having a human experience, with unique human brains, all with their own perspectives and their own truths.
No matter the differences between these truths, from the individual’s perspective, all can be equally true.

It is important that we understand the existence of these differences, and respect them.
But, this does bring me to my next point.

Deviating from the idea of achieving spiritual enlightenment

All walks of life have their own culture, as does the community of people that practice the type of spirituality that I write about.
Of course, the philosophy behind spiritualism stems from Buddhism, and therefore it is important to refer to the Buddhist definition of spiritual enlightenment, before I continue.

Enlightenment in Buddhism can have many definitions, as there are many words to describe it. But to be ‘enlightened’ would mean, in general, the complete knowledge of something.
Achieving spiritual enlightenment would mean that one has learned all of the earthly lessons that we are here to learn, has let go of all emotional, material and any other type of attachments, and is no longer affected by the good and evil of the world. There is nothing left to achieve in this life because all has been learned.

As spiritual apprentices, we are to work toward achieving this goal. We are looking for the reason we were put here on Earth, in this time, and we learn that the reason is to learn enough lessons that we can achieve enlightenment, or be reincarnated until we do.

Being in Damanhur in 2016, I was striving towards this goal.
I was learning every day, practicing mindfulness and gratitude, meditating, working with my hands. We learned about the eight steps to enlightenment, which include learning how to take action, how to become aware, how to embrace change. The steps align greatly with the seven chakras, as unblocking them would cause the energy to flow freely throughout your body, allowing you to break free of what was holding you back in life.

All of the things I have experienced in my time there were amazing, and I still to this day am grateful to have been there. I still carry these lessons with me in my day to day life.
One thing I did state while being there, still rings very true to me to this day.
We were working on the feminine aspects of our being at the time, we had meditated in the woods, and were now gathered to discuss our findings of the day. We had been talking about letting go.
When it was my turn to speak, I told my teacher and peers: ‘I understand that achieving spiritual enlightenment means letting go of earthly possessions, and relationships to loved ones, but I also understand that at this point in my life, I am not ready to do that. And I think that is totally okay.’

At this point, like I said, I was still chasing the idea of achieving spiritual enlightenment in my lifetime. I have however, since then, let go of this idea.

I’ve come to the understanding within myself, that the reason that I’m so desperate to find, my life’s purpose, is not to achieve enlightenment.
Allow me to explain.

Finding purpose

The million dollar question to many a human’s life is: ‘What is the reason for my existence?’ or ‘What is my life’s purpose?’
This has also fascinated me endlessly. Not only fascinated, it’s kept me up at night, it’s put me through misery because I was chasing goals that were not meant for me, it’s even played a role when my suicidal feelings were still present.

I’ve thought about my goal to help people, to make their lives better, maybe being my purpose. And trying to live up to that has caused me to completely eradicate my own wants and needs. It caused me to consider myself a side character for years, until I finally learned that I had bodily autonomy, that I was ‘allowed’ to have an opinion, if I allowed myself to have one. (I still find myself amazed at this finding from time to time. It’s been a great experience so far, guys!)

I’ve thought about gaining enlightenment as a life purpose. And while I do not believe that trying to achieve this in itself, is harmful, I do believe that it is not the end-goal of most human lives.
To further explain this, I do believe I’m going to have to take one final step back to shed light on something else.

Stoicism and duality

To understand this life, is to know that we live in a world of duality. Light cannot exist without darkness, happiness cannot exist without misery, and so on.
The duality of life is a fascinating thing. You can philosophize your brains out, if you so wish.
I know I’ve done so many a time.

The duality exists on every scale, from the biggest macro scale, to the tiniest micro scale.
It exists within our world, where there’s good and evil forces at work, shown for example through activism, war, politics, and it exists within ourselves in the same way. As much as I can argue myself to be a lazy person, I can argue to be equally as productive. As much as I can be considerate, I can be rude. I can be all of those people, and still be truly myself.

We like to think that there is a big difference between us ‘good people’, and the people who for example can commit murder. But the truth is, it shouldn’t be surprising to learn that the mass murderer of all those kids, was also a devoted husband, a loving father, a good son to their mother.
We all have good and evil within us, though the balance can shift from time to time, and from person to person.

Now, achieving enlightenment has much to do with stoicism. To rise above the ‘trivial’ problems of the human race, is to rise above our feelings and emotions, our attachments to earthly things such as possessions, but also people.
Achieving the ultimate stoicism would be to defeat the duality.
I think this is also why Buddhist monks cease to exist in their human bodily form when they achieve rainbow body. Their existence can only continue on a plane of non-duality.

But the duality is the entire foundation of our existence.
Our world, our lives couldn’t exist without the duality.
And that is exactly why I think it is not our main goal to achieve spiritual enlightenment.

I think we want to achieve it because we think it is the best thing that could happen. But it being the best would make it part of the duality. And it can’t be. It defeats the point.

Embracing duality

Say we want to achieve a world without evil. Most of us do. It is not for no reason that we list world peace as the number one thing we would wish for if wishes could come true.

As humans, it is very easy to succumb to the fear of evil, because there is a lot of it in the world.
We want to contain this evil, would love to defeat it.

But I think learning how to live a successful, purposeful human life, means learning how to exist on the plane of duality, not try to negate it or rise above.
For it is impossible to have a human experience without the contrast of black and white, good and evil, right and wrong.

Maybe the purpose of a human life, is to learn how to embrace the bad with the good. To acknowledge the existence of both, to allow both. To come to terms with the light and the darkness.
Because we know we wouldn’t be able to experience life on earth without the duality.

Wat ik wil

Ik wil alle teleurstelling en opgekropte woede naar de wereld, naar andere mensen, naar mezelf, loslaten.
Ik wil weer naar de wereld kijken zoals een kind, vol hoop en verwondering over haar schoonheid.
Zo veel lelijks als ik kan vinden, is er moois op aarde.
Zo veel fouten als ik kan vinden in mezelf, heb ik sterktepunten.

Ik wil mezelf leren durven aankijken in de spiegel, recht in mijn eigen ogen, zoals ik in geen jaren heb gedaan.
Ik wil zien hoe mooi ik ben, van binnen en buiten.
Dat hardop kunnen zeggen tegen mezelf, zonder een greintje schaamte.

Ik wil onvoorwaardelijk van mezelf houden.
Ik wil tot het einde van de wereld gaan om mezelf te kunnen geven wat ik nodig heb.
Wat ik verdien.

En ik wil durven kijken naar de wereld aan mijn voeten, wetend dat ze van mij is.

Waar willen moeten wordt

Lang heb ik gedacht
dat antwoorden zich verscholen in vragen
Dat hoe meer ik vroeg
Hoe meer ik me naar binnen zou richten
het meer van het pad zou verlichten
Me zou brengen naar het topje van de ijsberg

Maar het zoeken in mezelf
is herleiden tot een kern
een middelpunt
Het is het afdalen naar het diepste dal
de weg terug volgen
tot je in jezelf verzwolgen
hebt ontdekt waar het alles begon

Lang heb ik gedacht
dat de kennis van de kern me zou verzadigen
Tot ik ontdekte
dat ieder antwoord leidt tot een nieuwe vraag
een nieuwe zoektocht teweeg brengt
Het blijven graven in die allerdiepste kern
zou alleen meer beschadigen

De tijd is nu
om de kern te laten voor wat die is
te eren
niet langer te begeren
om tot nieuwe inzichten te komen

Lang heb ik gedacht
dat vooruitgang afhankelijk was
van een ‘maar’, ‘als’ of ‘dan’
Dat de pijn verzachten
slechts een kwestie zou zijn van wachten
tot de hemel zich zou splijten
om mij de uitweg te tonen

Maar nu heb ik gezien
ik heb genoeg gegraven
genoeg begraven
om weer om te keren
Om te leren leren
hoe te stoppen met leren

Vandaag is de dag
dat ik voorwaarts keer
Vandaag is de dag
dat moeten weer willen wordt

The First Step

It’s been a really long time since I’ve really taken a moment to sit down and write a piece.

I’ve felt like I was in a creative rut, quite down on myself, and thus didn’t have anything to offer to the world. I felt as though I had to be in a positive mindset to be able to write, but I’m starting to learn how to be okay with just being as I am in the moment.

No longer do I think that I have to be doing good to be allowed to show myself to the world. I don’t have to pretend. Because that’s what it is, pretending, and I’ve been trying to exert this image of myself to the world that is false.

It’s not with malicious intent, it’s not even really a lie, but it’s a polished, socially acceptable version of myself that I’m putting out there for others to see.

Because I felt like the real truth about me was too ugly, and was inconvenient for others.

Now, I’m on a journey towards accepting myself, loving myself more, trying to allow myself to take up space in the world, because that’s something I’ve never felt I was ‘allowed’ to do.

I’ve been living my life for other people, and I want to take my responsibility in that. Learn how to live for me.

But first, I want to explain some of the struggle that I’ve experienced these past few years. And try to do so in a way that feels authentic to myself, instead of writing it for the reader. Even writing this down, I’m not sure I’ll be able to accomplish that, but I want to try. That’s more than I’ve allowed myself up until now.

Struggling with myself

My whole life, I’ve basically felt like I had to serve a purpose to others in order to feel valuable. I’m not sure where I picked up that life lesson, if I’ll ever find out, or if it’s even going to be a key part to this journey.

To me, getting recognition from others equaled love. I wouldn’t, and to be completely honest, will not, allow myself to like myself until somebody else tells me that’s okay. Writing that down on paper, it feels stupid. I think it is. But it doesn’t take away the fact that that’s how I feel.

I think over the years, not learning how to value my own opinions, wants, needs, feelings, this only became stronger. Like my own desires where bleeding into those of others. I find it extremely difficult to differentiate my own needs from those of others.

If I tell somebody else about something I want to do, it quickly becomes ‘their’ thing instead of just my own. For example, I’ve been wanting to go back to school, and have told multiple people about this. And because I told them, I felt I had to do it because they now expected it of me, not because I wanted to go back to school. I felt like I’d disappoint them if I told them I no longer intended to go because of multiple mental health reasons.

All the while, I know damn well that it doesn’t help anybody except myself to make that decision. They don’t get anything out of it, and all they want is for me to be happy, no matter what that looks like.

But still, what I thought others wanted me to do, mattered more than what I wanted.

Trying to cope

Often, I feel like the only way I could ever thrive is to just be away from everything and anyone, to just be able to truly feel what it is I want and need.

There’s so much pressure from all these outside sources, constantly asking for my attention, that I feel torn and overwhelmed all of the time. I wish I could find a way for all of it to just be muted for a while. Leave me alone.

I still have to learn how to let go. To accept that some things are out of my control, or that I can’t fix them right this second. I guess I’m very impatient.

I’m also an extreme perfectionist. I feel that despite anything holding me back, I have to do everything right and I have to do it all right now.

It’s impossible to live up to my own standards, yet I get extremely disappointed and frustrated in myself if I don’t.

And anytime I do something wrong, even if it’s something small, my mind starts gathering up all of the other times I’ve done something ‘wrong’ as well. I end up feeling absolutely miserable about myself, like I’m the biggest failure to ever walk the earth.

You can probably understand that it’s pretty hard to feel happy at any time if you constantly feel like you’re going nowhere and you’re failing at everything you do, or you’re just not moving at a quick enough pace.

I knew there were many things holding me back, but anytime I tried to analyze the situation or figure out a solution, it just felt like I was going in circles.

‘I need to go to the gym and eat healthy, but to do that, I need money that I don’t have, so first I have to fix my financial situation. In order to fix that, I have to be able to work more. But first I need to be able to work more, so I have to work on my mental/physical health and energy levels. Well how do I do that? By eating healthy, going to the gy-’ Yeah, I already said that.

It felt like I was trying to complete this puzzle, shuffling it around, but all I had were pieces of other puzzles that fit nowhere in mine.

The only things that were helping me get through the day, were these unhealthy coping mechanisms I’d developed over the years. I spent my days gaming, watching shows and smoking a lot of weed.

The weed allowed me to give myself a little bit of permission to relax, because the thoughts were less frequent, and it was easier for me to just let myself disappear into a show or game and not think for a while.

I was afraid to feel anything. Because feelings became inconvenient to me. ‘I don’t want to deal with this right now’ silently becomes ‘just not dealing with it ever’.

Of course I knew I couldn’t go on like that.

The start of change

One night I was writing, to try to get at least some of it off my chest, and I thought back to the way I was back when I first felt depressed, over ten years ago.

I remember it feeling like I was in this deep pit of hell that I didn’t know if I was ever going to get out of. But moreover, what I remembered, was that at that time, I dealt with my feelings head on.

I felt like absolute dogshit, but I did allow myself to feel my emotions. Of course I had other unhealthy coping mechanisms back then, but I still felt my emotions very deeply.

I thought, if I could deal with it as a little 14-year-old girl, why couldn’t I deal with it now? How bad is it going to be? I’m still here, after all.

So as I was sitting in my therapist’s office earlier this week, just venting to her about all of this, I said ‘I think I know what the next step is, and I think I’m finally ready to just take it.’

As I’m sitting here now, I’ve started off my third full day of not smoking weed in probably close to five years. It’s not long, but I think it’s going to be a key part in me facing my problems head-on.

“You can’t get past it unless you go through it.” So I’m trying.

In summary

I wanted to share all of this, and keep sharing my journey from now on, because I’m hoping it’ll be cathartic for me, and hopefully for someone who reads this who recognizes themselves in my story. I’m still always going to want to help other people, that’s just part of my identity. I don’t think that part of me is ‘wrong’, just that I need to learn how to balance taking care of others and taking time out to care for myself.

And no, I’m not better or ‘cured’ all of a sudden, and this’ll probably be the start of a very long, hard journey. But I’m starting to become hopeful that it is going to be worth it.

Hoping that one day, I will look back on this, and be able to say ‘I really did that, and it really was worth it.’, and that you might be here to experience that with me.

Just know that if you are struggling, and you’re not okay right now, that’s fine too. You don’t have to be, and I’m here with you. We’re not in competition with each other about who can do the best in life. We’re here to learn from each others experiences, hopefully take something useful away from this earthly existence. You are worthy, you are seen, and your struggle is valid.

Lots of love,



Het is lang geleden, maar ik wilde weer een tekst met jullie delen. Dit is een van mijn teksten uit oktober 2020 die ik tegenkwam tijdens een nachtelijke speurtocht voor inspiratie. Misschien kun je er ook iets uit halen.

Het gevoel besluipt me. Langzaam werkt het zijn weg omhoog via mijn onderbuik, in mijn maag, mijn hart. Het gevoel van ‘te veel’.

Ik weet niet wat het is. Ik zit alleen op mijn studeerkamer, en het is er opeens. Had ik een moeilijke dag? Niet specifiek. Veel gedaan? Valt mee.

Alles is opeens frustrerend. Ik moet iets doen. Iets zijn? Iets bereiken. Lusteloos, het hele lichaam tintelt van onrust.

Ik wil gewoon.. Schrijven. Iets goeds. Maar ik vind mezelf weer op het zelfde knelpunt. Ik wil iets maken, maar ik wil me niet te veel onderdompelen in emotie. Zonder emotie geen goede tekst.

Maar het gaat zo goed met me. Als ik me naar die plek in mijn brein laat gaan, komt alles weer los.

Leer mezelf vertrouwen, dat als ik mezelf openstel, ik ook weer herstel. Kan niet altijd ontkennen dat ik voel. Dat is ook geen geluk.

Het leven is er een van contradicties.

Schuldgevoel wegens gevoelloosheid, maar niet willen voelen.

Iets willen bereiken zonder buiten mijn reikwijdte te gaan.

Soms geliefd willen worden zonder te willen liefhebben.

Tegenstellingen keren me tegen mezelf, maar ze accentueren de contouren van het bestaan. Van de verste uithoeken van de aarde, alles ertussenin en erbuiten.

Waarom kunnen onze moralen zo ver staan van onze acties?

En waarom vragen we ons dat af?

Ieder innerlijk conflict drukt me weer met mijn neus op de feiten. Er is niet één allesomvattend antwoord. Maar man, wat zou ik dat graag vinden.

Als iedereen gelijkgestemd was, zou het leven simpel zijn. Als de mieren in een kolonie werken we samen naar hetzelfde doel. Maar blijft er dan genoeg over voor iedereen? Iedereen wil een stukje van diezelfde taart.

Kan verdeling ons dan gelijk maken?

We kunnen veel leren van verschillen, maar dan moeten we wel willen leren. Er is meer nodig dan alleen de verdeling. Er moet overlap zijn. Bepaalde waarden moeten overeenkomen om samenwerking te laten slagen. Begrip, compassie, respect. Dan kunnen we openstaan voor elkaars inbreng en tekortkomingen.

Zelfs dat is geen absolute waarheid, maar slechts mijn waarheid vanuit mijn referentiekader.

Waarom moeten we samenwerken? Behoor je respect te hebben voor mensen die niet aan jouw standaarden voldoen? Die in jouw ogen ‘slecht’ zijn? Of ‘slechte’ dingen gedaan hebben?

Is slecht wel echt slecht?

Als je begint zo te denken, kun je eindeloos door blijven filosoferen. Iets kan alleen waar zijn als je een bepaald standpunt inneemt. Wat als je dat eens niet doet?

Wat als een situatie gewoon een situatie is? Geen betekenis.

Voor mensen is dit zo goed als ondenkbaar. De behoefte om alles in hokjes te stoppen, is essentieel. Noodzakelijk. Iets of iemand inschatten doen we door het in vakjes te plaatsen, het is een concept zo oud als de tijd.

De tijd zelf is een vakje dat we hebben gemaakt om de wereld beter te begrijpen.

Is iets gevaarlijk, leuk, storend, eetbaar? Er is een vakje voor. Nu weten we wat we eraan hebben, wat kan en wat niet.

Handig, zeker, maar niet feilloos. Ieder vakje gelabeld door emoties.

Als regendruppels vervormen ze een helder wateroppervlak.

Ook ik ben er schuldig aan, hoe kan het ook anders? Niet alleen als mens, maar als eeuwige waarheidszoeker, eindigt mijn zoektocht naar betekenis nooit. Alles moet een waarde hebben, een naam. Heeft het dat niet, dan begrijp ik het niet. Blijf ik er eeuwig op hangen.

Het leven, met haar eindeloze onbeantwoorde vragen, onthoudt me dan ook niet van dagelijkse breinbrekers. Onbegrip leidt tot frustratie, tot slapeloze nachten.

Het leidt ook tot een hoop inzicht. Vermaak voor mijn nieuwsgierige karakter. Het is niet allemaal slecht.

We zijn weer terug bij af. De twee zijden van de munt. Yin en yang.

Ik kom tot de conclusie dat mijn innerlijke wereld vol in bloei staat. Kleurrijk, ontelbare vergezichten vol contrasten. Mijlen en mijlen strekken zich uit, klaar om zich te laten verkennen.

Waarom voelde ik me toch zo lusteloos?

Veel liefs,


Helping out in a time of need

To me, it’s rather unthinkable that we are living in a day and age where so much information and resources are readily available to us, yet there’s still so much inequality around the world. I can’t ignore the issues that have resurfaced over the past week, and felt obligated to say something. But figuring out what to say about such a complicated matter as racism, is very difficult. I wanted to make sure that I took enough time out to educate myself, and figure out exactly the message I want to send.

Racism in modern western society

So first of all, obviously what happened to George Floyd on May 25th, is outrageous. And unfortunately, there are so many more cases like his, many of which have never and might never be told. The amount of racism that black people, and people of other non-white races still experience on a daily basis in our modern western world, is despicable.

It is clear that there is a big divide in the United States of America, which has been going on for a long time. Black people have been oppressed for centuries, and even now still do not have nearly the same privileges as the average white American. On this website, you can read more about structural racism in America, and all of the aspects of life that it affects. They address a wide variety of subjects, from wealth gaps to racial segregation, from micro-aggressions to errors in the American justice system.

The amount of racism still going on today is of course not only apparent in the United States. In Europe, where I am from, the majority of racism is directed especially at Muslims and refugees. It is apparent that far-right political parties are getting a lot of votes in many western-European countries, such as the Netherlands, France and Germany. You can read lots more on the rise of the far-right movement in Western Europe here, on the website of the Counter Extremism Project. It is definitely worth your time to also check out their website in general, as they are a movement spreading awareness and helping counter violence of extremist groups around the world. Seeing as extremism and racism often go hand-in-hand, I figured it would fit in with the topic of today.

Losing sight of what matters

What stands out to me, is the common denominator that is at the root of all of the problems humanity faces today (e.g. racism, discrimination, misogyny, climate change, animal extinction etc.). The root of all these things is a disconnection to everything around us. It is the lack of understanding the world and the people that surround us. The main focus of our lives has become wealth and power. Every political decision made here in our western society, revolves around the question “can we make a profit off it?”. If the answer is no, we won’t do it.

Thus, humanity takes a backseat. It is undeniable at this point, because we can clearly see so many suffer in one way or another from the repercussions. Many of us are still oppressed, poor, starving, even dying. Why? There are plenty of resources available, there’s enough food in the world to feed everyone if we wanted to, there’s medical care readily available. But, change isn’t profitable. So the poor stay poor, the oppressed stay oppressed, the sick will keep being denied medical care if they can’t afford it (which is especially ridiculous to me, being from the Netherlands), and the cycle continues.

How do we stand up to that as a whole? And why haven’t we done so yet? These are loaded questions, and as much as I wish there was, there isn’t one simple answer for it all.

However, I do think one of the reasons we haven’t all come together yet, is quite apparent. Just think of everything that goes on nowadays. There’s such an information overload coming right at us every second of every day. Not only that, but we are often already overwhelmed with the responsibilities we have to take with working, taking care of children and loved ones, paying bills and taking care of our own well-being. Where does the time and energy remain to educate ourselves on important issues such as racism?

As such, it is understandable that you aren’t that educated on racism in western society. I want you to know, you’re not a bad person for being under-informed. But you can do better, as can I.

What I really do want to stress, before I get into all the information on what we can do to help out the Black Lives Matter movement and educate ourselves, it is the following. If you are a supporter of BLM, and you want to help others find their voice and help too, please come at people from a place of understanding. As this is a very important and sensitive subject, it’s very understandable that emotions may sometimes get the best of you, and that you might react out of those emotions in an angry or attacking manner to someone who doesn’t understand, or doesn’t ‘do enough’ to help the movement. But the only way to get more support to the movement, is to get people to empathize with the cause. They aren’t going to empathize if they feel attacked for their feelings, beliefs, or lack of understanding/action.

Help those people. Give them positive feedback, educate them, but don’t participate in spreading hate, because it will only divide us further. It’s not what any of us want or need right now. Of course, not everyone is going to understand or want to help. And that’s fine too, no matter how important the cause, you can’t convince everyone of your beliefs. Just focus on the people who are open to learning.

Yes, it is very unfortunate, but there are still people out there who are always going to stick with their beliefs, no matter how morally wrong. We can’t help those people, but we can help build a better world where racism will die out over the coming generations, because we will have taught our children to love each other without judgment. You aren’t born a racist, you are taught to be one. Let’s teach our kids to be better.

Information and resources

Now, let’s get to the most important part of this article. I’m sure that many of you have already seen the lists of examples of black people dealing with racism/police brutality, and all the different causes you can donate to. However, I do think it’s important that I share this information as well. It never hurts to spread the word.

The first link I’d like to include is, which includes lots of ways you can support the black community and help out the movement.

There’s lots of petitions going around too, for example the petition for the Hands Up Act, which pleads for legislation to punish police officers for shooting unarmed people.

Of course, there’s also the open letter you can sign to show your support for George Floyd and hold the US president, states and local government accountable for the police brutality that took place.

What you can also do, if you don’t have the money to donate, is watch some of the videos with ad revenue that all goes to different sources in support of the BLM movement. Remember to turn off your Adblocker and let the ads and videos play out in full in order to support. You can watch the videos if you like, many of them have lots of amazing music and art from black artists. But, if you’re busy or you don’t want to, you can just turn the videos on and go do you laundry or something else.

None of these options take up a lot of your time or effort, but all of them can help tremendously to make a change in this world. So why not do it? Even if it’s only to be able to sleep at night, knowing you’ve at least done something.

Lastly, if you do decide to go out there and protest, please remember to stay safe as we are still in the middle of a pandemic. There are ways you can protect yourself, not only from Covid-19, but also from the violence from police officers. VICE and have posted very helpful articles on how to stay safe (though’s focuses more on how to protest in New York, but of course you can take the general ideas and apply them to your own environment).

Final thoughts

Of course, this is just the beginning of change, and all of this might still not make enough of a difference to really change the way we operate as a society. In order to heal the world and prioritize people over profit again, we need a large-scale revolution. All of us need to stand up. But this is a great start. Let’s come together, make our voices heard, become a united front again. All of us, no exceptions anymore. Let’s love all of our brothers and sisters out there.

If we choose to operate from a standpoint of love, we can overcome anything. That’s the thing we should never forget. So let’s try to remember that. We are all born unto the same earth, we are one people.

Lots of love,


Gender identity and the Divine energies

It’s been a while, that’s for sure. When I sat down with my laptop today, it wasn’t my intention at all to write another blogpost. I was  doing some research for a couple of characters in the current story I’m working on, looking for the qualities that define the masculine and feminine divinities. Then an idea resurfaced in my head, something I’ve discussed a lot with others, but have never really written about before. So here we are.

When I was in Italy, I learned about this divine feminine and divine masculine. There’s certain qualities associated with the divine masculine, and others associated with it’s feminine counterpart.

Masculine qualities are:

  • Action
  • Logic
  • Reason
  • Courage
  • Loyalty
  • Adventurism
  • Rationality
  • Strength
  • Firmness
  • Survival

While feminine qualities include:

  • Passivity
  • Intuition
  • Patience
  • Emotion
  • Gentleness
  • Healing
  • Nurturing
  • Flexibility
  • Vulnerability

Inside of the Temples of Humankind in Damanhur, there was a hall called the Hall of the Earth, which had depictions of this Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies (as you can see below), but more interestingly, there was a mural of a Divine androgynous being. As they told me, the perfect human has completely balanced their female and male energies. The Hall of the Earth is to this day my absolute favorite hall of the Temples, because of this androgynous mural. I think this divine being in perfect balance is such an interesting concept, yet it is something that isn’t much incorporated into our current society.

There’s a lot of controversy these last couple years about gender identity, and there’s all sorts of new territories ready to be explored. In western culture there’s a big stigma about gender identity. We have a very particular image of what it defines to ‘be a man’ or ‘be a woman’. Generally, women are supposed to be more fragile, emotional and creative, whilst men are generally more tough and strong.

I want to talk for a second about the stigma’s surrounding men especially. There’s a lot of pressure on men to be strong and to hide their emotions. I completely disagree with that attitude. I don’t understand why it wouldn’t be okay for a man to cry in front of people, just as women do. I think showing your emotions shows incredible strength, you put yourself in a very vulnerable position, knowing the stigma around it, and you’re letting your emotions in. It’s much easier to just turn a blind eye to heavy experiences, instead of letting them in.

Vulnerability in itself is, in my opinion, one of the (if not the) strongest characteristic someone could have, male or female. You can’t be 100 percent of yourself unless you expose yourself to vulnerability. And oftentimes, it leads to beautiful outcomes. You could get to know things about yourself or another, that you never would’ve expected. It’s often really hard and scary, because humans are designed to be scared of the unknown, but honestly, each time I’ve chosen to be vulnerable, I’ve gotten nothing but positive feedback. It feels really great to be appreciated and accepted on something that you were scared to reveal about yourself.

Now, vulnerability is only one of the many characteristics of the divine energies. What’s most interesting to me is the duality of these two divine energies, and the strength that comes from the merge of all masculine and feminine characteristics together.

Duality is something that I personally encounter everywhere in my life. Anytime anything happens, the duality of life and of my own personality slaps me in the face again, and I stand still for a second to think about the magic of that duality. Oftentimes it can make me feel torn between things, but when I think deeper, I realize the answer is neither black nor white, it’s the balance between the two. To me, life is a search for this perfect balance.

When you look at the divine qualities, for example; the male’s action as opposed to the female’s passivity, it’s easy to see how it’s better to have a balance between the two than to be either very active or very passive. Always thinking before you speak will likely not work out for the best, but you won’t get anywhere by just passively sitting around all the time either. So then why is it, that our perspective of what is okay for ‘feminine’ and ‘masculine’ people is so twisted?

We need to understand that the divine masculine and feminine are not equal to being a man or a woman. Both men and women have all sides of the divine within them, to a greater or lesser extent. I think, in order to live a healthy, balanced life, and also to co-exist better with the opposite sex, it’s important to connect with our inner masculine and our inner feminine. In addition, when we integrate these things into our society, and become more accepting of all of these qualities within a person, no matter their sex, the lines of what defines a ‘woman’ or ‘man’ will be blurred. There’s a lot of kids out their that are struggling so much with their identity, that have to be afraid of what people are gonna think of them or do to them for being who they are. I think that it would make a huge difference for a large portion of those kids at least, if you didn’t ‘have’ to fit a certain image to be able to call yourself a man, woman, or otherwise.

Personally, I’ve never really felt like a ‘real’ girl. I’ve struggled with my gender identity and have had symptoms of gender dysphoria as a child, as I didn’t feel I fit into the stereotypical definition of what it meant to be a girl. It’s actually more common for children to struggle with gender identity issues and dysphoria than you might think, however, in the majority of the cases, children grow out of these issues, as you can see in this Dutch study.

I still don’t think I fit into the box of the stereotypical woman. I’ve found that I too have these very masculine and very feminine qualities, but I do very much feel like a woman now. I can’t explain exactly what that feeling of ‘being a woman’ is, but I feel very comfortable in the body I was born with now, and I accept all my characteristics for what they are. Having masculine characteristics doesn’t make you a man, and having female characteristics doesn’t make you a woman. You define who you are.

In conclusion, I just hope that we can all contribute in our own ways to a world where we can all co-exist in peace, without judging others, and without judging ourselves. There’s so many strange rules and regulations we’ve put onto ourselves because of what others tell us, but when you look within yourself, do you really value those rules and regulations as much as society tells us we should? It’s important to sometimes take a moment to reflect upon our morals and values, and whether they are really ours, or just pushed onto us by some outside source (be it media, parents or otherwise).

I wish you all a very good evening/morning/day, and lots of love,


Letting me be me

“Why are you so quiet?” One of the most annoying questions you can get as an introvert. If you are one, I’m sure you’ve heard it many times. I know I have.

Since I was little, I’ve identified my quietness as a big part of my personality, and of myself. As a kid I was really shy and scared to meet new people, which meant I barely ever made new friends. I didn’t mind at the time, because I loved being alone ( and I still do) and I was perfectly happy with the friends I’d already made. But being so shy made it harder for me to engage with new people later on, because I’d never learned how to make new friends or just how to talk to people in general.

As a teenager, I struggled with being so quiet. Not because I minded, – for me it was normal – but because other people kept judging me for it and asking me questions like ‘why are you so quiet?’. Many people thought I must be sad or depressed, and some just thought I was rude. Even if I were to give a legitimate explanation as to why I didn’t speak as much as most people, barely anyone really cares enough to hear it. They already have their judgment ready. But then, that’s just life. Most people don’t care and are gonna judge you regardless, you just have to look for the people that do want to look beyond that.

For me, there are many reasons for my silence. For one, I hate making small talk. I am capable of it, but I don’t see the point. I don’t want to use my words for unnecessary things, words are valuable and I think the world would be a better place if people chose their words more carefully, instead of just spitting things out that you might later regret. Also, if you see me in a large group, you probably won’t hear much from me. My voice isn’t loud and I like to focus my attention to one or a very limited amount of people so we can talk more in-depth. The chaos of groups does not work well for me at all, and I often find myself not being able to get a word in, so I prefer small groups or one-on-one conversations. And if we have something in common, you’ll see that I’m really not ‘shy’ at all. It still might take me a while to really get comfortable with you, but if you have some patience, you might just gain a loyal friend.

Then, there are so many other reasons for being quiet that I could spend this entire article talking about, but that’s not what I want to focus on. As I said earlier, I thought that this silence was who I was. I thought that it defined me. Truth is, it doesn’t. It doesn’t define me, because there are so many sides to a person, how could you possibly say that this one thing is really the pillar that everything else leans on? But that is what I used to think. Lately, I’ve been seeing more and more of how layered and complicated human beings really are, how many differences there are and that even when you think you know everything, you never will. Not even about yourself. I see that when I am in my optimal surroundings, like I was around the time when I visited Damanhur, I’m much less quiet around other people. I can open up, make small talk, be more honest and forward about myself, and it doesn’t scare me at all. It made me wonder, am I really this quiet person I always thought I was? Am I really shy, or was it just because I wasn’t entirely comfortable with myself that I couldn’t speak sometimes?

I know and realize, that there are reasons for me to be quiet, that aren’t that positive. It is true that I had depression, I was uncomfortable around other people, and it did cause me to withdraw from certain situations. And that’s very hard for me to admit, because it seems like that would mean all those people that judged me for it, were right. That I kept my mouth shut, because I was sad or depressed. But the thing is, I wasn’t feeling depressed at the moment I was with those people. I didn’t necessarily feel sad at that moment, and it’s incredibly frustrating to have people constantly judge you based on one fact: you don’t talk much. So fucking what? It gives you more time to talk about anything you want, and if you love to talk anyway, why is it a problem that I don’t? Take the opportunity to talk my ear off, I really don’t mind. Oftentimes, people need kind of a sounding board, to hear themselves talk. It can lead to many new insights just to think your thoughts aloud to another person. People like me are perfect for that. What I’d like is for more ‘extroverted’ people to realize that. To know that being quiet isn’t a bad thing. To know silence can bring you so much, that talking often can’t. It’s funny how in this modern western world we’ve brought this negative energy around the word, while it is so praised in many religions, like Buddhism. For example, here’s a story about Buddha and his reasons for being silent. There’s so much power in refraining from speaking, which is also why many spiritual places even give people the opportunity to take a vow of silence, which, as you can see in this article, is not nearly as easy as it sounds.


So, is my silence me? The answer is, partly. Being quiet is a big part of me, it has and will help me grow through life, but it’s not all I am. I’m also outgoing sometimes, and I know that I can be very open and talkative when I’m feeling my best. But being positive isn’t the same as being loud. As you can read in the article above about Buddha’s manifestation of silence, there’s silence in happiness and in contentment. In the end, it’s all about the balance. Both the speaking and the quiet are part of who I am, and I’m equally proud of both. I have to stop judging myself for being too much or too little of either, because I’m the only one who can do that for me. I can’t stop others from judging me, but I can choose how it affects me. And maybe, if I’m free of judging myself for it, others will see that too, because I’m confident in who I am. Either way, they’ll just have to accept me for me, just as I should.

You can feel conflicted, struggling with who you are and where you want to be, who you think you’re supposed to be, who others want you to be, but where does it get you? It makes you self-conscious. Why do we do that to ourselves? You have to stop being so hard on yourself, because you’re the one you have to be spending the rest of your life with. So make that commitment to yourself to be forgiving. Embrace who you are, even if you are a work in progress. All of us are.

I hope this post makes you love yourself a little bit more.

Lots of love and positive vibes,


Are you angry enough?

Maybe the problem isn’t the mumble rappers and Hollywood whores. Maybe the problem lies within the way we live and love.

We don’t love the same way anymore, because we don’t have the time to worry about love. We have bills to pay, mouths to feed, we need to put roofs over our heads and it’s getting harder to provide every day because prices are getting higher but our salaries remain the same.

We aren’t getting educated about how to pay our bills, how to survive, or how to love and take care of ourselves. We’ve lost touch with ourselves and what’s important, because our hands are full with the basics and we’re left with no time to take care of our souls. So we encounter troubles, we don’t know how to deal with it so we develop eating disorders, depression, anxiety and all kinds of mental issues. If you’re brave enough to seek help you get sent into the offices of doctors that often don’t understand or just try to sell you pills so they can profit from it.

So we fall into addiction because of prescription pills or because we just don’t know how to deal with our problems other than trying to escape from them even if it’s just for a moment. And we keep escaping and running from our reality until our escape becomes the reality, leaving actual lives destroyed and relationships ruined because we got lost in that dream world.

Drinking and drugs can’t keep us happy forever, so we see more and more musicians take their own lives while the same thing too is silently going on in the homes of our neighbors, relatives and friends. And it all could have been prevented if our home lives had just been a bit more stable and we didn’t have to live with all these worries just to survive. We trust in the government to take care of us, but they say it’s too expensive to take care of everyone’s needs. But how is it that the politicians we chose ourselves to take care of us can’t afford to do essential things because there’s no money to find in an economical system we ourselves created? It’s all going into the pockets of the top one percent, while regular people who work their ass off night and day working multiple jobs still can’t get by.

So if you can still say they have our best interest at heart, I don’t know what channel you’ve been watching, but you might want to grab your remote, turn off the tv, go outside and see what’s going on around you.

I haven’t heard of a single person I know actually being happy. I know I haven’t been. Sometimes the inner struggle gets so hard I just want to give up because I can’t ever see it getting better. And I know I’m not the only one.

Even if it did, even if it did get better and we did end up getting everything we’d ever wanted, would we really be happy? Would it be enough? Sometimes it feels like it never will be, like nothing ever will be enough. If we had everything we’d ever wished for, we’d still want more. Because none of us know what true happiness is anymore. We live in a fast, materialistic world, where technology improves daily, and we can get our hands on anything in almost an instant. So we have to keep filling this ever-growing hole with new and better things, so we don’t fall apart, but the items never fit and the gratification never lasts long enough.

We walk around feeling empty inside, often not even knowing the reason, but the feeling won’t go away, just keeps eating away at us. Until we’re numb and we give up and fall into the same behavior as everyone else around us, having meaningless sex and hanging out with fake friends who just care about themselves. Just like us, even though we swore we’d never become like that. It’s the environment that draws us in because we feel that we have to and we lose hope that there’s anyone else out there that’s still genuine. We look around in a sea of the same faces, many disguised. The good ones disguised as bad apples either because they want to be accepted or because they became what they hate to protect themselves. The bad ones disguised as good ones because they think it will get them in your pants. How could you not be confused? The world is fucked up and it’s getting worse but none of us are standing up. We don’t remember how to.

But something needs to fucking change. It’s time. When will we be angry enough to say enough is enough? I’m angry, are you?